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HM Intellectual Property Snapshot: 3 ways to use intellectual property to help navigate the start of 2021

Businesses continue to face challenges as we approach the one-year mark of the effects of COVID. Many have had to adapt to deliver goods and services remotely or have closed completely during the nationwide lockdowns.

Using intellectual property, such as the name of the company or product, its logo and its domain name, effectively can help a business to adapt and survive, or even thrive, at this time.

Here we look at three key ways in which you can use your intellectual property to benefit your business:


Fully utilise the IP you have and all the virtual channels available to promote your name and your logo.

  • reinvigorate your website. Your online presence is more important than ever while so much of daily life happens online
  • use social media to maintain brand awareness, keep in touch with existing customers and reach new ones
  • consider sponsorship in non-traditional places such as podcasts. Podcast listener numbers have soared so find one that fits with your brand and advertise or even appear on it, offering advice or information about your service area


There are several simple ways you can protect your IP in Scotland.

  • register trademarks, patents or design rights with the UK Intellectual Property Office
  • check that your contract terms and conditions adequately provide for and protect your IP
  • lodge caveats – an early warning system that will alert you to any applications for urgent court orders that could disrupt your business

Having these protections in place will enhance your brand strength and make any necessary enforcement more straightforward.


If any of your IP rights are breached, swift and decisive action is most effective. Identify infringements and be ready to respond.

  • monitor new trademark, patent, domain name and design applications in your sector
  • implement an anti counterfeiting identification and takedown strategy
  • prepare a template cease and desist letter that can be tailored to meet the particular circumstances of the breach and issued to wrongdoers quickly
  • monitor social media platforms and make use of the online takedown processes
  • take quick and effective legal action

Get in touch – we’re here to help

Harper Macleod’s specialists have guided businesses of all shapes and sizes through this difficult period. If you wish to discuss any of these topics further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


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