Legal insights & industry updates
The law never stands still, and the way it applies to you and your organisation is constantly evolving. Our people are on top of these developments and can keep you up to date with some of the most interesting aspects of these changes.

Construction & engineering
Construction Snapshot: what are 'appropriate deductions' for remedying defects?
One less irritation for landlords? New decision reconsiders requirements for Pre-Irritancy Notices
Are the “essential requirements for fairness” in sports dispute hearings appropriate to ensure that justice is done?
What to do if your Personal Licence to sell alcohol has been revoked for failing to notify refresher training?
The neglected aspect of TUPE - Employee Liability Information
Construction & engineering
Collateral warranties - more than worth the paper, but proceed with caution
Public sector
To VEAT or not to VEAT, that's now an essential question
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 in force 1 August 2014
What's in a name? The Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 comes into force
Construction & engineering
'Best', 'all reasonable' or 'reasonable endeavours' - what do I actually need to do?
Property factors update – increasing the float (and not being misleading)
Scottish Registered Social Landlords must now respond to environmental information requests
Employment law for employers
Flexible Working Regulations 2014
When a relationship ends, are you due a payment for having been economically disadvantaged?
Discrimination at work
Political Beliefs and the Equality Act 2010
Energy & natural resources
Legal compensation for wind farm disturbance
Employment law
Are contractors protected by TUPE, the Employment Appeal Tribunal gives it's verdict?
Child law services
Child relocation – 3 key considerations when moving with children in a separated family
Rent Review - Choice of Index in the current market
New Crofting Register Goes Live
Personal insolvency
Survivorship destinations
Restructuring & insolvency
Mortgage shortfalls
Actions of division and sale – change in legislation
Personal injury claims